The Trophy Room
The Trophy Room is a series that explores my concern for animal welfare and questions how we exploit animals as objects for our enjoyment, entertainment, and consumption. I look at animals from many perspectives and find inspiration in fishing lures, decoys, taxidermy animals and catalogues, cuts of meat, horses, saddles, bones, animal souvenirs, and holiday mascots. Reduced to minimal forms, these sculptures explore surface, proportion, and color. In the end, I want to elicit in the viewer a desire to touch the work. Flocking proves to be the perfect material to attract the eye and curious fingers.

Ceramic, flock, 18" x 31" x 8", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 15" x 7" x 11", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 11" x 15" x 4", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 17" x 7" x 10", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 15" x 10" x 6.5", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 7.5” x 13” x 13”, 2013

Ceramic, flock, 16" x 35" x 12", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 12" x 21" x 7", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 11.5" x 3.5" x 6.5", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 16.5" x 5.5" x 11", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 18" x 6" x 12", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 16" x 6" x 11", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 9" x 5" x 12", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 21" x 7" x 16", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 19" x 6" x 11.5", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 17" x 7" x 10", 2013

Ceramic, flock, 15" x 10" x 6.5", 2014

Ceramic, flock, 8" x 13" x 5", 2008

Ceramic, flock, 11" x 22 x" 6", 2008

Ceramic, flock, 7" x 11" x 11", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 8" x 10" x 6", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 7" x 10" x 14", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 23" x 13" x 5", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 8" x 8.5" x 4", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 6" x 10" x 10.5", 2007

Ceramic, flock, 11.5" x 7.5" x 7", 2005